Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Indonesia Top 6 Snorkeling Spot

Indonesia, the two-thirds parts consisting of the seas. It is not surprising many Gardens to visit snorkeling in this country. This is 6 spot snorkeling in Indonesia.

1. Karimun Jawa, Jepara.

Photo: (d'Traveler)
Karimun Jawa which is located in offshore from Jepara is a favorite spot snorkeling, especially for those who lived in Central Java and the surrounding area. To achieve this, it's necessary sea travel that time-consuming 2.5-6 hours, depending on the type of their ships.

Clean Water and sea life as the main reason Karimun Jawa special. One of the coral reef favorite diver, and the fish nemo or clownfish can be found in here with ease. There are many islands that can be explored. Service Providers snorkeling and diving, there are so many, you only have to be alone.

2. Menjangan Island, Bali

Photo: (d'Traveler)
Talk about snorkeling spot, I think it's hard to does not include Menjangan Island in Bali. Menjangan Island itself is one of the best snorkeling spot in Bali. Deer Island is located 10 offshore west Bali Sea. From Denpasar can be taken by about 4 hours.

There was a deer island to the derivation of the name, this island also has been famous for its spot snorkelingnya. Starting from coral reefs, fish colors, to shark can be found. In this island, there is pretending that often visited by Hindus. Many variations.

3. Gili Trawangan, Lombok

Photo: (d'Traveler)
Not only has been famous for its nightlife, Gili Trawangan was also preferred snorkeling spot as favorite. Foreign tourists to Start from local tourists, they are mixed, celebrate the festival, and snorkeling together. At night they make merry, morning and evening snorkeling, I think it's paradise. To achieve that, with a journey undertaken by ship from the Port Ward in Lombok less than 1 hours.

Gili Trawangan is also very suitable for those who want to call upon appeals with friends. The atmosphere is a very young children of course suitable for the tourist young people who want to holiday away from busy city. You can also give eat fish. At once your hand, You will be mobbed fish that can be clearly seen in water nodes.

4. Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan

Photo: (d'Traveler)
Derawan Islands name more popular among snorkeling lovers. There are three spot page, yait Derawan Island, Kakaban, and Maratua. Many snorkeling lovers who chose Going to Derawan Island as spot favorite. Never really need to time, you need to fly to Balikpapan, followed by way of land to Berau, go up ferry.

If in Kakaban You can find a jellyfish are poisonous, so are going to Derawan Island You can find a green turtles. Generally animals can be found not far from the coast. Snorkeling with sea turtle will close distance of course interesting. Island Maratua also has been famous for its sunset and sunrisenya that extraordinary.

5. Pulau Seribu Islands, Jakarta
Photo: (d'Traveler)
A Thousand Islands made up of a myriad of islands, ranging from hope, the Island, Tidung Kecil Island waters, and still a lot more. Almost all are surrounded by coral reefs just favorite for snorkeling. The distance is a close from Jakarta is also a consideration. You only Muara Angke departed from the North Jakarta, go up ships or ferry.

Many guesthouses There and homestay with rates mixed in a Thousand Islands. You can stay in the island and island hopping to neighboring island. Snorkeling in a Thousand Islands, you can find other interesting marine biota. If they are lucky, even to meet new dolphin also with in the morning.

6. Sabang, Aceh
Photo: (d'Traveler)
Spot favorite snorkeling next is located a little bit off part of Indonesia to the West, Sabang. Mileage in accordance with the beauty under the sea in City lights Sabang. Sabang still entered into Aceh province, so it must be achieved from the port Ulee Leuh Limited Company, in Aceh. For a long time travel Weh island to achieve that already includes the Sabang is 2 hours.

That renders Island in Sabang beauty under the sea also all kinds, starting from the Island to Island Iboih Rubiah. For those who love to have surfing at Weh island wave also becomes the target of surfer.


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