Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Enjoy the Beauty of Prambanan Temple at Abhayagiri


It is not far from Kalasan and Prambanan temple in densely populated area, Yogyakarta, there is a 
A restaurant interesting. Abhayagiri, the name restaurant, not only sell delicious food, but also the scenery nature and culture is magnificent.

Abhayagiri is located in Boko hill at an altitude 195 meters above sea level, not far from the Prambanan Temple and Boko Palace. Village where restaurants, standing, Sumberwatu, they say that it is the villages where stone Prambanan temple came from.

Abhayagiri, From Merapi and Prambanan can be seen. But, from this restaurant, the object nature and archeology, seemed to be different. The top of the Mount Merapi and Prambanan are in a straight line.

Abhayagiri provides terrace made specifically for visitors to enjoy the scenery is scarce. Looking at Merapi and Prambanan in afternoon or evening clear day while dining, it is about Abhayagiri has to offer.

It is not only Merapi and Prambanan, from this restaurant visitors can also look to the top of the Temple Sojiwan. The Temple was surrounded by rice fields, residential areas, and the railway that is not far from it.

Food and drink offered, Abhayagiri also had a special characteristic because it has been set up with international flavor. Kompas.com once tasted dish at a restaurant on the sidelines coverage this unique to Prambanan some time ago.

Food menu worthy try are Abhayagiri Duck Special. Different to the processing ducks in restaurants, duck is cooked in a way slow cooking. It is not served with ketchup sauce sauce, but with fruit sauce that is unique and yellow rice.

Although portion duck quite a lot plus yellow rice and fatty because it is mix, Abhayagiri Duck Special is still felt delicious with suas fresh. In addition, duck meat is also very tender.

We also had a chance to try to Pan menu from Kayaking Roasted Salmon. With the additional fungi, salmon is enriched fruits taste sauce with wine. This menu worthy to be tested for those who want to dish with high protein, not for those who want to be satisfied with rice.

Abhayagiri also offers special drink. One of the that happened to us try is Lemongrass Blekuthuk. These drinks berbahansereh interesting, because that used to be used for various wedang but with the international flavor.

Lemongrass mingled with fermentation. The results are the drink lemongrass that tastes like sparkling wine. In addition flavor lemongrass, drinks in a way of making period is ginger blekuthuk.

Money that must be dirogoh Abhayagiri to eat at are more often. But, with flavors and enjoy the beautiful scenery rare, the price, it seems that no matter.


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